4 Stages of Recovery From Addiction and Alcoholism


The 4 stages of recovery from Addiction and Alcoholism: Recognition, Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and Recovery mark the different degrees of understanding Alcohol Rehabilitation centre in Gurgaon and healing the addict, alcoholic and concerned persons will experience on their journey into recovery and beyond.

1. Recognition
Addictions are sometimes difficult to identify therefore recognizing the
Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre in Faridabad condition is the first stage an individual goes through on the road to recovery. To recover from addiction it is necessary to know what addiction is and what it is not. It is common among professionals and non-professionals alike to confuse a Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre in Ghaziabad  drug addict with a drug abuser and likewise an alcoholic with an alcohol abuser. Abusers and addicts may share similar symptoms but they are not the same and should not be treated as if they were.

2. Acknowledgement
The next stage an addict will go through on the road to recovery is acknowledgment. When an individual comes face to face with the reality of addiction the reaction is usually one of denial and the individual will generally not want to acknowledge that there is anything wrong at all let alone acknowledge they are ill and in need of urgent help. In some cases, the addict or alcoholic will have to be confronted by loved ones about their condition as this may be the only way to get them to see reason and maybe the only way to save their life. Unfortunately in too many cases the addict or alcoholic dies as a result of their illness because of denial.

3. Acceptance
At this stage, the addict or alcoholic is aware that there is a real problem that requires attention. Although this can be a difficult time for all concerned nevertheless it is at this stage that the addict will most likely reach out for help. The good news for all addicts and alcoholics is that if they accept that they are ill then there is help readily available and a full recovery can be made by anyone willing to change.

4. Recovery
After the addict or alcoholic has accepted that there is a major problem to be addressed he or she may avail of the many treatment options available. For example, there are several powerful Twelve Step Fellowships available to assist the addict and alcoholic on the road to recovery. These fellowships are at the frontline in the fight against addiction.

If you think that someone you know is going through a drug or alcohol addiction problem, make sure you help them in every way possible. You can get the best treatment for all kinds of addiction at our rehabilitation centre in New Delhi.


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