Quit Drink Alcohol Quit Smoking - It's Nicotine, Not Cocaine


When you’re trying to quit smoking or drinking alcohol, a lot of your friends will probably encourage you to stay on the straight and narrow. After all, it’s the right thing to do, isn’t it? However, that might not always be the case. For many people, making the decision to quit is one of the most difficult things they’ll ever have to do. And because of that, some of your closest friends and family members could be secretly judging you from the moment you took that first puff. But don’t take it personally—they just want what’s best for you. That being said, it wouldn’t hurt to know what some of those people are thinking behind their backs. So in this article, we discuss 4 common doubts and concerns that your friends might have when it comes to quitting drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes Rehabilitation centre in gurgaon.

Does Quitting Mean You’re a Looser?

This is probably one of the top concerns that a lot of people have when they try to quit drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes. After all, if you’ve quit drinking alcohol or smoking, it means you no longer have control over your habits. And that can feel pretty disheartening, right? So, if you’re trying to quit, you might want to prepare your friends and family for the fact that it might not be easy. You might feel like you’re failing or that you’re not strong enough to succeed. That’s completely normal. And it doesn’t mean that you’re a “loser” or that you’ve given up. It just means that you’re human and you can relate to the challenges that everyone faces when they’re trying to change their habits.

Will You Regain All the Weight You Lost?

This is a doubt that a lot of people have. And the truth is, it’s right up there with “does quitting mean you’re a loser?” Because if you’re trying to quit drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes, you could potentially end up with a lot of extra weight if you don’t keep working at it. That is, unless you’re successful. And if you are—by staying on track, eating healthy, and getting enough sleep—you just might be able to keep all the weight you lost and even continue to lose even more. If you’re worried that you could end up regaining all the weight you lost, don’t be. The fact is, you’re more likely to keep the weight off if you make quitting drinking alcohol or smoking a priority in your life.

You’ll Ruin Your Teeth and Smell Terrible!

This is probably one of the top fears that people have when they decide to quit drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes. After all, you’re giving up something that’s provided you with comfort and a sense of security in your life—something that’s potentially dangerous. That means that you’ll feel pretty nervous and anxious as you make the transition from one of your addictions to the other. It’s also possible that you’ll feel like you have nowhere to turn and like you have no support system to rely on in making this change. If you want to get past these anxieties, you might want to try talking to your friends and family members about what you’re going through. You never know—they might have had similar feelings and anxieties when they were trying to quit drinking alcohol or smoking.

Quit Smoking, Or You’ll Become Addicted to It

This is probably another one of the top concerns that a lot of people have when they decide to quit drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes. After all, quitting an addiction is never an easy process. And it could be that you could find yourself in a pretty vulnerable state as you try to make the transition from one addiction to the other. That could cause you to feel embarrassed and overwhelmed by your feelings of shame. It could also make you feel like you have nowhere to turn and like you have no support system to rely on in making this change. If you’re worried that you might become addicted to smoking, don’t be. The fact is, your risk of developing a smoking addiction is really low if you quit cold turkey. And if you do smoke while you’re trying to quit drinking alcohol, you’re probably going to experience a ton of anxiety. That’s because you’ll be putting yourself at an increased risk of developing an addiction to something that’s potentially dangerous.

Quit Drinking Alcohol, Or You’ll Be an Alcoholic Forever

This is probably one of the top concerns that a lot of people have when it comes to quitting drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes. After all, if you’ve made it a priority in your life to quit, you just might be able to stop drinking alcohol permanently. And, in fact, that’s exactly what most people who quit drinking alcohol end up doing. That means that you might not have to keep wasting your time and energy on a habit that has slowly but surely robbed you of your happiness, peace of mind, and quality of life. If you’re worried that you might become an alcoholic forever, don’t be. The fact is, quitting drinking alcohol is usually a pretty easy process that doesn’t require a ton of willpower. That’s because drinking alcohol can actually mess up your brain chemistry, making it more difficult for you to feel the positive effects of alcohol.


This might sound like an article geared towards the people that you love and care about the most—your family and friends. But trust us when we say that it’s worth sharing with your significant other, too. After all, they’ll probably be the ones that you’re going to see most often after you make the transition from drinking alcohol to smoking cigarettes or vice versa. If you try to keep your quitting process a secret, they’ll probably have a lot of doubts and concerns about your decision. It’s up to you to prepare them for the fact that you might be ready to quit drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes and that it might not be quick and easy.

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This article was originally published at - https://humanawellness.wordpress.com/2023/01/19/quit-drink-alcohol-quit-smoking-its-nicotine-not-cocaine/


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